Thursday, February 03, 2005

Preface to Bush Second Term Scoreboard

This tally looks at George W. Bush’s record in light of Christian, constitutional principles. We’ll be more selective and thorough than in the Bush Scorecard of his 100 ungodly and liberal actions between the election and the inauguration.

You can find the original, as well as the Bush Christian Scorecard, the Bush Abortion Scorecard, and the Bush Sodomite Scorecard, at

The purpose of these Scorecards is to get Constitutional, Christian, conservative Americans to see just how ungodly the Republicans have become, that they are not a viable alternative to a Christian (but for a few exceptions such as Rep. Ron Paul-TX) and that we’d be NO worse off with a Democrat in the White House. We do not support Democrats - except to the extent that a Democrat President would cause a Republican Congress to oppose him (or her - Hillary!) rather than rubber-stamping the SAME agenda when a member of their own party proposes it.

A Christian needs to support godly candidates, and leave the results up to God. The Constitution party runs such candidates. We cannot continue to settle for GOP “lesser evils” that are really equal evils, and are taking the country in the same direction as Democrats and socialists. Even if a Constitution party candidate doesn’t win, if enough conservatives refuse to support these Republi-CON wolves in sheep’s clothing, it will force the GOP to run a godly candidate if they want to win. If we keep supporting the wolves, that’s all they will ever give us.

I’d rather lose doing right than “win” doing wrong. But we can win doing right. We certainly can't if we don't even try.

Teno Groppi - Country Celebration

Constitution Party - Past WI District & County Rep.

Democrats and Republicans are two wings of a bird flying the WRONG way!

If we are not "One Nation Under God", we'll just be "one nation under".

Bush Scorecard:


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