Friday, March 11, 2005

23. Bush Pushing New World Order.

Here we have two articles attesting to George Bush's pro-New World Order beliefs. A man who believes international law trumps U.S. law and that international socialist organizations like the E.U. are a good thing has no business being president of the *United States*. He held his hand on a Bible and vowed to obey the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES - not the charter of the United Nations or the constitution of the European Union (or an international court).

Bush Promoting EU Constitution

by William Norman Grigg
March 8, 2005

"President George W. Bush's newfound enthusiasm for working with a 'strong and united' European Union could help the campaign to ratify the new EU constitution," reported the February 24 Financial Times of London, citing supporters of the ratification campaign.

The first stop on Mr. Bush’s European tour, significantly, was Brussels, capital city of the embryonic EU mega-state, which former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev called the “new European soviet.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting with the EU,” the president stated during a February 18 roundtable discussion in the White House with representatives of European print media.

Asked by one reporter, “What is your view of the proposed EU Constitution?” Mr. Bush replied: “You know … we want the EU to be successful. The European Union is a significant partner in many things, particularly trade.”

He also said that he is “fascinated to see how the British culture and the French culture and the sovereignty of the nations, long-standing traditional sovereignty can be integrated into the larger whole in the modern era. And progress is being made and I’m hopeful it works....”

Interestingly, he referred to the EU — rather than any of its constituent nations — as “a strong partner” in the trans-Atlantic alliance with the United States.

In her February 8 speech before the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conferred an unqualified benediction on the EU.

“The agenda of U.S.-E.U. cooperation is wider than ever, and still growing, along with the European Union itself,” stated Rice. “[T]he United States, above all, welcomes the growing unity of Europe.”

The unspoken but crucial subtext of these remarks is the drive by the Bush administration to consolidate the nations of the Western Hemisphere into an EU-style soviet through the so-called “Free Trade Area of the Americas.”

Bush orders hearings for Mexican nationals

The directive in death row cases sparks challenge from Texas officials


In a move that could spawn a fight over presidential powers, the Bush administration has ordered Texas and other states to conduct hearings for 51 Mexican nationals on death row who claim their rights were violated when local consulates were not notified of their arrests.

The directive came after years of criticism from foreign governments and an adverse decision last year by the International Court of Justice, which decreed that U.S. courts should provide "effective review" of each case to determine whether the lack of consular assistance could have affected the outcome.

Houston lawyer Danalynn Recer, who represents Mexican nationals in capital murder cases on behalf of the Mexican government, said Bush's order was significant because it recognizes the importance of U.S. courts complying with established international rights."

(Jose) Medellin voluntarily confessed to the brutal gang rape and murder of two teenage girls," Abbott said. "He was convicted after a fair trial, applying U.S. and Texas law. The state of Texas believes no international court supersedes the laws of Texas or the laws of the United States."

TG: Too bad the former Governor of Texas, and current President of the United States, doesn't agree. He things international law (read: New World Order) supercedes America.