Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Bush's New Education Secretary is Pro-Abortion, Not Worried About Decline Of Traditional American Family

The "Dallas Morning News" (9/2/01) once quoted self-described "earth-mother type of Republican" Margaret Spellings (then Margaret La Montagne) as having said: "I don't like to be in the limelight. I like to be under the radar." But, now the former Assistant To President Bush For Domestic Policy is in the limelight having been named Secretary Of Education.

So, what does Mrs. Spellings believe? Well, among other things, she's pro-abortion.

The interviewer, Joan Clayson, said she had spoken to President Bush "and he said to me it was unrealistic to change abortion policy in this country.

"The previously mentioned "Dallas Morning News" article says of Spellings and "her more liberal views" that columnist Robert Novak wrote this about her: "How much [she] is out of touch with Republican cultural values can be judged by her reaction, on C-SPAN last week, to census data showing a decline in the traditional family." About this data, she said: "So what?

"When asked about this reply by the "Dallas Morning News" reporter, she said: "I said, unfortunately, something like, 'So what?' We're here to develop policies for all American families, however they sort.

"In an interview on the "Cable News Network" (1/7/04), Spellings vigorously defended President Bush's guest-worker amnesty proposal which would allow millions of illegal aliens to stay in our country. Incredibly, she spoke of Mr. Bush's failure to enforce our immigration laws by saying that his amnesty scheme was needed because "we have to have laws and systems that reflect the reality of our country"!

Spellings was praised by Sen. Edward Kennedy who called her "a champion for public education." Spellings, also helped draft the "No Child Left Behind Act.

Another typical Bushite CON-servative RepubliCON.