Tuesday, February 08, 2005

8. Bush ' 05 budget is record for abortion spending.

Bush is pro-life, is he? Well the current budget as shown on a 2-7-05 Columbia Christians for Life press release shows that spending for Title X (funding source for Planned Parenthood, the largest aborter in America) is currently the highest it's ever been.

Yes, George Bush is allocating more of YOUR money to kill babies than any previous president, including Bill Clinton (by over $30 million). That's not even counting the abortions that will be done by the 'birth-control' (abortifacient) pills (which Bush became the first to authorize), which may dwarf abortions done by surgical methods.



http://thomas.loc.gov/ (you have to search for bill 4818 of the 108th Congress)

Provided further, That of the funds made available under this heading, $288,283,000 shall be for the program under title X of the Public Health Service Act to provide for voluntary family planning projects

The Republican-majority U.S. House approved H.R. 4818 by a vote of 344 to 51, on 11-20-04 (Roll Call Number: 542).[Republicans 183 Yea, 27 Nay; Democrats 160 Yea, 24 Nay; 1 Independent Yea]

The Republican-majority U.S. Senate approved H.R. 4818 by a vote of 65 to 30, on 11-20-04 (Record Vote Number: 215)[Republicans 42 Yea, 6 Nay; Democrats 23 Yea, 23 Nay; 1 Independent Nay]

The Republican President signed H.R. 4818 into law, authorizing the highest ever spending level for Title X in the history of the program,on 12-8-04. It became Public Law No. 108-447.

Neither the president nor congress have any constitutional right to spend one penny of our tax money on abortion. It is unconstitutional as well as heinous.